2021年,美国经历了创纪录的夏日热,多发热浪,主要在加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州和佛罗里达州;与气候变化有关。 2021 U.S. experienced record-breaking summer heat with multiple heat waves, mostly in California, Arizona, Florida; linked to climate change.
今年夏天,大部分相邻的美国 经历了前所未有的热量 凤凰城和拉斯维加斯等城市 记录了有史以来最高的气温 This summer, much of the contiguous U.S. experienced unprecedented heat, with cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas recording some of their highest temperatures ever. 200多个地点报告说,它们最热的5个夏天中有一个夏天,其动力是耐久的热点和大约12个热浪。 Over 200 locations reported one of their hottest five summers, driven by persistent heat domes and about a dozen heat waves. 值得注意的是,加利福尼亚州和亚利桑那州气温最高,创历史新高,而佛罗里达州温度和湿度则较高。 Notably, California and Arizona saw the most record-breaking temperatures, while Florida faced extended heat and humidity. 总体而言,极端条件与当前的气候变化有关。 Overall, the extreme conditions are linked to ongoing climate change.