酷热和中西部洪水超过了爱荷华州斯宾塞 1953 年的记录,导致当地居民疏散并实施宵禁。 Sweltering heat and Midwest floodwaters surpass 1953 record in Spencer, Iowa, causing evacuations and curfew.
洪水淹没爱荷华州等中西部部分地区,导致美国数百万人面临更加酷热的天气,爱荷华州一座城镇的水位计被淹没。 Millions in the US brace for more sweltering heat as floodwaters inundate parts of the Midwest, including Iowa, where a town's water-level gauge was submerged. 斯宾塞镇的洪水超过了 1953 年的记录,导致居民撤离并实行宵禁。 Floods surpassed a 1953 record in the town of Spencer, leading to evacuations and a curfew. 除中西部地区外,从大西洋中部到缅因州、中西部大部分地区以及加利福尼亚州内陆地区都面临着高温和潮湿的公共警告。 In addition to the Midwest, regions from the mid-Atlantic to Maine, across much of the Midwest, and inland California face public warnings about heat and humidity.