由于环境方面的关切,数千人在贝尔格莱德抗议政府支持的锂采矿项目。 Thousands protested in Belgrade against a government-backed lithium mining project due to environmental concerns.
塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德上千人抗议政府镇压反对欧盟支持的矿项目在贾达尔山谷的环保活动人士. Thousands protested in Belgrade, Serbia, against the government's crackdown on environmental activists opposing a European Union-backed lithium mining project in the Jadar Valley. 这次示威活动在国营的 RTS 电视台外举行,此前有报道称数十名活动人士被拘留并据称受到威胁。 The demonstration, held outside state-run RTS television, followed reports of dozens of activist detentions and alleged threats. 虽然活动人士警告可能会对环境造成破坏,但政府官员认为,由于对力拓的滥用历史感到担忧,该矿代表着经济增长机会。 While activists warn of potential environmental damage, government officials argue the mine represents economic growth opportunities, amid concerns over Rio Tinto's history of abuse.