21名乌干达环保人士在EACOP项目抗议中被捕, 21 Ugandan environmentalists arrested during EACOP project protests, raising concerns about environmental and local community impacts.
乌干达的21名环保人士在抗议东非原油管道(EACOP)项目时被捕, 该项目是法国公司TotalEnergies领导的35bn石油开发项目。 21 environmentalists in Uganda were arrested during protests against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project, a $3.5bn oil development led by French company TotalEnergies. 该项目涉及Murchison Falls国家公园的石油钻探,引起了对环境和当地社区影响的关切。 The project involves oil drilling in Murchison Falls National Park, raising concerns about environmental and local community impacts. 抗议者对该项目继续侵犯人权和环境权利发出紧急呼吁,指出乌干达当地经济受到威胁以及不利的社会和文化影响。 Protesters have issued an urgent appeal against the project's continued violations of human and environmental rights, citing threats to Uganda's local economies and negative social and cultural impacts.