联邦政府为埃塞克斯县的希尔曼沼泽堤坝修复拨款1 500万美元,用于防治侵蚀和洪水。 Federal government allocates $15M for Hillman Marsh dyke restoration in Essex County to combat erosion and flooding.
联邦政府已宣布拨款 1500 万美元修复保护埃塞克斯县希尔曼沼泽的堤坝,该堤坝因伊利湖的海浪而受到侵蚀。 The federal government has announced $15 million to restore the dyke protecting Hillman Marsh in Essex County, which is eroding due to Lake Erie's waves. 当地律师Jeff Vidler希望这笔资金也能解决Erieau屏障海滩的侵蚀问题。 Local advocate Jeff Vidler hopes this funding will also address erosion at Erieau's barrier beach. 堤坝的恢复对于保护农田和发展不受洪水侵袭至关重要。 The dyke's restoration is critical for safeguarding farmland and development from flooding. 自1955年以来,龙多湾丧失了160多公顷湿地,突出表明迫切需要采取行动。 Over 160 hectares of wetlands have been lost in Rondeau Bay since 1955, highlighting the urgent need for action.