澳大利亚拨款556 095美元,用于恢复亨特湿地,保护野生生物和水质。 Australia allocates $556,095 to restore Hunter Estuary Wetlands, protecting wildlife and water quality.
澳大利亚新南威尔士国际承认的养护地“猎人湿地”将获得556 095美元的联邦修复资金。 The Hunter Estuary Wetlands, an internationally recognized conservation site in New South Wales, Australia, will receive $556,095 in federal funding for restoration. 该项目旨在通过改善植被、水质和适应气候变化来保护生态社区和移栖鸟类。 The project aims to protect ecological communities and migratory birds by improving vegetation, water quality, and adapting to climate change. 该项目得到地方和国家机构的支助,是修复城市水道2亿美元方案的一部分。 Supported by local and state agencies, the project is part of a $200 million program to restore urban waterways.