美国政府从1万亿美元的基础设施法案中拨款20亿美元用于大坝的维护、维修和拆除。 US government allocates $2bn for dam maintenance, repair, and removal from the $1 trillion infrastructure bill.
美国政府正在从1万亿美元的两党基础设施法案中拨款20亿美元给联邦机构,用于大坝的维护、修理和拆除。 The US government is allocating $2bn from the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill to federal agencies for dam maintenance, repair, and removal. 这笔资金旨在恢复河流的自然状态,改善生物多样性、水质和在风暴恶化时防洪。 This funding aims to restore rivers to their natural state, improve biodiversity, water quality, and flood protection amid worsening storms. 大坝的拆除有利于洄游鱼类等水生物种和濒危物种,如东部地狱蝾螈,通过创造更清洁、含氧量更高的河流栖息地。 Dam removal benefits aquatic species such as migrating fish, and endangered species like the eastern hellbender salamander, by creating cleaner, more oxygenated river habitats.