路易斯安那州为海岸保护预付30亿美元的新项目和联邦收入,用于湿地复原。 Louisiana advances coastal protection with $3 billion in new projects and federal revenue redirection for wetland restoration.
路易斯安那州通过109个进行中的项目,包括16个价值30亿美元的新项目,在保护其海岸线方面取得了进展,这些项目旨在保护飓风和恢复湿地。 Louisiana is making progress in protecting its coastline with 109 active projects, including 16 new ones worth $3 billion, aimed at hurricane protection and wetland restoration. 最近的一项宪法修正案将把联邦从离岸风力项目获得的收入直接用于沿海恢复。 A recent constitutional amendment will direct federal revenues from offshore wind projects to coastal restoration. 国家还力图增加其在联邦石油、天然气和风能收入中的份额。 The state also seeks to increase its share of federal oil, gas, and wind revenues. 在圣坦马尼教区,由CWPPRA资助的一个项目修复了1 000多公顷沼泽地,加强了海岸线稳定和野生生物栖息地。 In St. Tammany Parish, a project funded by CWPPRA has restored over 1,000 acres of marshland, enhancing shoreline stability and wildlife habitats.