联合国人权办事处向孟加拉国派遣实况调查团,调查学生抗议期间的侵犯人权行为。 UN Human Rights Office to send fact-finding mission to Bangladesh to investigate human rights abuses during student protests.
联合国人权办公室计划向孟加拉国派遣一个实况调查团,调查在对上届政府进行大规模学生抗议期间指称的侵犯人权行为。 The UN Human Rights Office plans to send a fact-finding mission to Bangladesh to investigate alleged human rights abuses and violations during a mass student protest against the previous government. 预计联合国小组的访问将在收到诺贝尔和平奖获得者、临时领导人穆罕默德·尤努斯的邀请后几周内进行。 The UN team's visit is expected in the coming weeks after receiving an invitation from interim leader Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. 联合国此前曾报告称,自 7 月 15 日抗议活动演变为暴力以来,约有 650 人死亡。 The UN has previously reported around 650 deaths since July 15th, when the protests turned violent. 该小组旨在报告侵犯和虐待行为,分析根源,并提出建议,以推动司法和问责制,并进行长期改革。 The team will aim to report on violations and abuses, analyze root causes, and make recommendations to advance justice and accountability and for longer-term reforms.