联合国人权小组与临时政府讨论孟加拉国动乱期间的侵犯人权行为。 UN human rights team to discuss human rights violations during Bangladesh unrest with interim government.
联合国人权小组将访问达卡,与临时政府讨论对孟加拉国最近动乱期间侵犯人权行为的调查。 A UN human rights team will visit Dhaka to discuss investigations into human rights violations during recent unrest in Bangladesh with the interim government. 该小组旨在提供支持,并确定调查违法行为的模式。 The team aims to provide support and establish the modalities for an investigation into the violations. 最近联合国的一份报告指出,在谢赫·哈西娜辞去总理职务后,孟加拉国的印度教徒及其寺庙遭到袭击,600多人死亡,主要原因是安全部队和隶属于人民联盟的学生派系。 A recent UN report revealed attacks on Hindus and their temples in Bangladesh following Sheikh Hasina's resignation as Prime Minister, with over 600 people killed, mainly due to security forces and the student wing affiliated with the Awami League.