孟加拉国以穆罕默德·尤努斯为首的临时政府赢得了国际支持和援助。 Bangladesh's interim government, led by Muhammad Yunus, gains international support and aid.
由诺贝尔奖获得者穆罕默德·尤努斯领导的孟加拉国临时政府获得了重大的国际支持和外交成功。 Bangladesh's interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, has gained significant international support and diplomatic success. 取得的成就包括释放在阿联酋被拘留的孟加拉国工人,接受美国和欧盟的财政援助,改善与中国和印度的关系。 Achievements include freeing detained Bangladeshi workers in the UAE, receiving financial aid from the US and EU, and improving relations with China and India. 这一成功归功于尤努斯的全球声誉以及政府应对国际挑战的努力。 This success is attributed to Yunus’s global reputation and the government's efforts to address international challenges.