孟加拉国的首席顾问申明政府对人权和言论自由的承诺,处理过去的侵权行为和改革措施。 Bangladesh's Chief Adviser affirms government commitment to human rights and free speech, addressing past abuses and reform measures.
孟加拉国的首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授在与全球人权组织的一次会晤中肯定了政府对人权和言论自由的奉献。 Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, Professor Muhammad Yunus, affirmed the government's dedication to human rights and free speech during a meeting with global human rights organizations. 讨论涉及在最近的一次起义和Sheikh Hasina的15年统治期间发生的侵权行为的正义问题,强调需要调查法外处决、安全部门改革和废除《网络安全法》。 Discussions addressed justice for abuses during a recent uprising and Sheikh Hasina's 15-year rule, highlighting the need for investigations into extrajudicial killings, security sector reforms, and the repeal of the Cyber Security Act. Yunus概述了改革,并向政府保证欢迎批评。 Yunus outlined reforms and assured the government welcomes criticism.