在来自乌克兰的移民推动下,爱尔兰人口一年内增加了98,700人。 98,700-person population increase in Ireland in a year, driven by immigration from Ukraine.
来自乌克兰的移民使爱尔兰人口在一年中增加了98 700人,这是2008年以来人口增长最多的一年。 Immigration from Ukraine has driven a 98,700 person increase in Ireland's population in a year, marking the largest population increase since 2008. 中央统计局报告说,爱尔兰人口现在为538万,有149 200名移民抵达,包括来自欧盟以外国家的86 800名公民。 The Central Statistics Office reported that Ireland's population is now 5.38 million, with 149,200 immigrants arriving, including 86,800 citizens from countries outside the EU. 尽管自2015年以来移居国外的人数达到创纪录的高水平,65岁及65岁以上人口上升至15.5%,但移民人数仍呈上升趋势。 The increase comes despite a record high level of emigration since 2015 and a rise in the population aged 65 and over to 15.5%. 移民的涌入已成为该国即将举行的大选的一个关键问题。 The influx of migrants has become a key issue in the country's upcoming general election.