2 香港记者等待煽动叛乱的审判判决,在香港测试新闻自由。 2 Hong Kong journalists await sedition trial verdict, testing press freedom in Hong Kong.
两名香港记者,现已关闭的《立场新闻》(Stand News)在线媒体的前主编,正在等待他们的煽动罪审判的判决,这被认为是对这个半自治城市的新闻自由和言论自由的重大考验。 Two Hong Kong journalists, former editors-in-chief of the now-shuttered Stand News online outlet, await the verdict of their sedition trial, which is considered a significant test of press freedom and freedom of expression in the semi-autonomous city. 这次审判是香港自1997年恢复中华统治以来,首次审理涉及媒体的煽动叛乱案件。 The trial, which began almost two years ago, is Hong Kong's first sedition case involving media since its return to Chinese rule in 1997. 现时新闻是香港被迫关闭前最后剩下的公开批评媒体。 Stand News was one of the last remaining openly critical media outlets in Hong Kong before it was forced to close down. 这些记者被指控阴谋根据殖民时代的法律发表煽动叛乱的材料,在2019年反政府抗议之后,这种法律越来越多地被用来对付反对者。 The journalists were charged with conspiracy to publish seditious materials under a colonial-era law that has been increasingly used to target dissent following the 2019 anti-government protests.