中国最大的共同基金经理E Fund Management(E Fund Management)引进清洁能源和电动车辆的ETF, 反映出中国向可持续经济的转变。 China's largest mutual fund manager, E Fund Management, introduces ETFs for clean energy and electric vehicles, reflecting China's shift towards a sustainable economy.
作为中国最大的互惠基金管理公司,E Fund Management提供了CSI新能源ETF,E Fund碳中和100ETF和E Fund CNI新能源电池ETF等ETF,使投资者能够利用中国的可持续经济转型. E Fund Management, China's largest mutual fund manager, offers ETFs such as CSI New Energy ETF, E Fund Carbon Neutral 100 ETF, and the E Fund CNI New Energy Battery ETF, enabling investors to capitalize on China's sustainable economy shift. 新的能源部门的市场份额超过了燃煤发电,可再生能源发电能力在2024年达到38%。 The new energy sector has surpassed coal-fired electricity in market share, with renewable power generation capacity reaching 38% in 2024. 这些专题信托基金侧重于清洁、可再生能源和电动车辆制造,与该国致力于绿色转型相一致。 These ETFs focus on clean, renewable energy, and electric vehicle manufacturing, aligning with the country's dedication to a green transformation.