为了加强儿童性剥削调查, 加拿大政府在三年内向不列颠哥伦比亚省提供350万美元的资金. Canadian government awards British Columbia $3.5M over 3 years for enhanced child sexual exploitation investigations.
加拿大政府向不列颠哥伦比亚省拨款350万加元,用于打击对儿童的性剥削,分三年拨款支持市警察局调查网上剥削儿童案件。 The Canadian government has granted British Columbia $3.5 million to combat child sexual exploitation, allocating funds over three years to support municipal police departments in investigating online child exploitation. 在线剥削报告显著增加,在2020年至2023年期间,BC有超过28000起调查. Reports of online exploitation have significantly increased, with over 28,000 investigations in BC between 2020 and 2023. 资金将用于加强互联网儿童剥削部门的调查能力,为人员,培训和设备提供支持,旨在增加温哥华和大维多利亚地区团队的能力,并使BC所有市政警察部门能够提高警员的能力和培训. The funding will be used to strengthen investigation capabilities for the Internet Child Exploitation unit, providing support for staffing, training, and equipment, and aims to increase the capacity of the Vancouver and Greater Victoria teams, as well as enable all municipal police departments in BC to increase capacity and training of officers.