澳大利亚联邦警察部署专门官员,打击人口贩运和网上儿童性剥削。 Australian Federal Police deploy specialized officers to combat human trafficking and online child sexual exploitation.
澳大利亚联邦警察(澳大利亚联邦警察)已在全国派遣专门的社区联络官,处理人口贩运和网上儿童性剥削问题。 The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has dispatched specialized community liaison officers nationwide to tackle human trafficking and online child sexual exploitation. 这些官员将与社区领袖和学校合作,提供网上诱导和性勒索方面的教育。 These officers will collaborate with community leaders and schools, offering education on online grooming and sextortion. 该倡议旨在减少对这些罪行报告不足的情况,并援助不知情的受害者。 The initiative aims to reduce under-reporting of these crimes and assist unaware victims. 澳大利亚武装部队指挥官Helen Schneider强调重点关注高风险和弱势社区。 AFP Commander Helen Schneider emphasized the focus on high-risk and vulnerable communities.