不列颠哥伦比亚省政府与 Meta、Google、TikTok 和 Snapchat 等主要社交媒体平台建立合作,以加强青少年网络安全并打击网络犯罪者。 British Columbia's government and major social media platforms, including Meta, Google, TikTok, and Snapchat, form a collaboration to enhance youth safety online and combat online predators.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府与 Meta、Google、TikTok、X(Snapchat 的母公司)等主要社交媒体平台达成“历史性合作”,以加强青少年网络安全。 British Columbia's government and major social media platforms, including Meta, Google, TikTok, X (Snapchat's parent), have formed a "historic collaboration" to enhance youth safety online. 该小组讨论了开展广泛合作以打击针对儿童的网络犯罪。 The group discussed broad-scale cooperation to address online predators who target children. 社交媒体巨头致力于为 B.C. 提供 Social media giants committed to providing B.C. 设有直接升级渠道,以便在发布保护令之前快速报告非自愿的亲密图像。 with direct escalation channels to facilitate quick reporting of non-consensual intimate images before a protection order is issued.