到2023年,加拿大的网上剥削儿童案件在不列颠哥伦比亚猛增到近16 000起,突出表明数字风险日益增大。 Online child exploitation cases in Canada surged to nearly 16,000 in BC by 2023, highlighting growing digital risks.
不列颠哥伦比亚省网上剥削儿童的案件激增,从2021年的4 600起增加到2023年的近16 000起。 Online child exploitation cases in British Columbia have surged, increasing from 4,600 in 2021 to nearly 16,000 by 2023. 从全国范围来看,从2019年到2022年,此类案例增加了58%。 Nationally, there's been a 58% rise in such cases from 2019 to 2022. 警方警告说,随着技术的进步,网上剥削儿童的现象可能持续存在,使捕食者更容易以年轻人为目标。 Police warn that the exploitation of children online is likely to persist as technology advances, making it easier for predators to target young people. 执法部门正在适应这些变化,但面临着持续的挑战。 Law enforcement is adapting to these changes but faces ongoing challenges. 加拿大儿童保护中心主张制定更为严格的条例,如《网上伤害法案》,以解决这些问题。 The Canadian Centre for Child Protection advocates for stricter regulations like the Online Harms Bill to combat these issues.