新南威尔士州晚间经济部长对Swillhouse餐馆集团的工作场所文化以及女性工作人员的待遇表示关切。 NSW Night-Time Economy Minister raises concern over Swillhouse restaurant group's workplace culture and treatment of female staff.
新南威尔士州夜间经济部长约翰·格雷厄姆对悉尼Swillhouse餐厅集团的指控深表关切,该团体的重点是工作场所文化和女性工作人员的待遇。 NSW Night-Time Economy Minister John Graham voiced deep concern over allegations against Sydney's Swillhouse restaurant group, focusing on workplace culture & treatment of female staff. 他并没有支持抵制, 而是强调安全对于该行业的赞助人和夜间工人的重要性。 He didn't endorse a boycott, but highlighted the importance of safety for both patrons & nighttime workers in the industry. 工党议员 Sally Sitou 承诺,在公司“清理”工作场所文化之前,不会返回 Swillhouse 场所。 Labor MP, Sally Sitou, has pledged not to return to Swillhouse venues until the company "cleans up" workplace culture.