出于对生活成本的担忧,保守党议员史蒂夫·塔克韦尔 (Steve Tuckwell) 发起请愿书,要求在阿克斯布里奇市中心开设一家炸鱼薯条店。 Conservative MP Steve Tuckwell launches a petition for a fish and chip shop in Uxbridge town centre amid cost-of-living concerns.
保守党议员史蒂夫·塔克韦尔(Steve Tuckwell)发起请愿,要求在阿克斯布里奇市中心开设一家炸鱼薯条店,尽管附近已有商店。 Conservative MP Steve Tuckwell launches petition for a fish and chip shop in Uxbridge town centre, despite existing shops nearby. 批评者质疑生活成本危机期间对这一问题的关注,并质疑政客对开设外卖食品店的影响力。 Critics question the focus on the issue during the cost-of-living crisis and query the politician's influence over opening a takeaway food outlet. 塔克韦尔接替鲍里斯·约翰逊担任乌克斯布里奇和南莱斯利普选区议员,他的目标是为竞选活动争取支持。 Tuckwell, who succeeded Boris Johnson as MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, aims to gather support for the campaign.