包括 Father Ted 作家 Graham Linehan 在内的 23 人起诉 Wine Inns Ltd 涉嫌基于性别批判信念的歧视和拒绝服务。 23 people, including Father Ted writer Graham Linehan, sue Wine Inns Ltd for alleged discrimination and refusal of service based on gender-critical beliefs.
包括泰德神父作家格雷厄姆·莱恩汉 (Graham Linehan) 在内的 23 人正在起诉贝尔法斯特罗宾逊酒吧 (Robinson's Bar) 的所有者 Wine Inns Ltd,指控他们基于性别批判信仰而受到歧视和拒绝服务。 Twenty-three individuals, including Father Ted writer Graham Linehan, are suing Wine Inns Ltd, the owner of Robinson's Bar in Belfast, for alleged discrimination and refusal of service based on their gender-critical beliefs. 这些事件发生在2023年4月16日,其中包括一名活动人士面部留下永久性痕的袭击. The incidents occurred on April 16, 2023, with claims including an assault that left one campaigner with a permanent facial scar. 这是北爱尔兰第一个此类案件,预计将在2025年初进行审判。 This case is the first of its kind in Northern Ireland, with trials anticipated in early 2025.