居民反对新的Greggs面包店, 但理事会批准留在Swaffham,Norfolk。 Residents oppose new Greggs bakery, but council approves its stay in Swaffham, Norfolk.
Norfolk的Swaffham居民反对开设新的Greggs面包店, Residents of Swaffham, Norfolk, opposed the opening of a new Greggs bakery, fearing it would hurt the local family-run Wellbread Bakers. 尽管超过1,000人签署了请愿书, 店铺最初未经许可开张, Breckland理事会允许Greggs留下, 包括标志、空调和户外座位。 Despite over 1,000 signing a petition and the store initially opening without permission, Breckland Council granted Greggs permission to stay, including for a sign, air conditioning, and outdoor seating. 井面包面包店老板担心 新的竞争可能会造成裁员 The owners of Wellbread Bakers worry about potential job cuts due to the new competition.