纽约和新泽西州的空域拥堵受到政治反对,导致航班延误的可能性增加. Political opposition hinders NY/NJ airspace congestion mitigation, leading to potential delay increases.
对纽约/新泽西空域的政治干预造成美国航空公司多达75%的延误,阻碍了解决拥堵问题的努力。 Political interference in the New York/New Jersey airspace, responsible for up to 75% of US airline delays, has hindered efforts to address congestion. 该区域由N90设施管理的领空被排除在FAA的Metroplex方案之外,导致人员不足。 The region's airspace, managed by the N90 facility, was excluded from the FAA's Metroplex program, leading to understaffing. Chuck Schumer与纽约州议会其他成员一道,反对对N90设施进行修改,反对2024年计划将NJ机场入场和起飞的责任转移到费城设施,这可能会进一步造成航班延误。 Sen. Chuck Schumer, along with other NYC members of Congress, opposed changes to the N90 facility and a 2024 plan to shift responsibility for NJ airport approaches and departures to a Philly facility, potentially causing further airline delays.