新泽西州州长墨菲(Murphy)要求特朗普审查纽约市的交通拥堵定价计划, New Jersey Governor Murphy asks Trump to review NYC's congestion pricing plan, citing concerns for NJ commuters.
新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲写信给特朗普总统,要求联邦审查纽约市的交通拥堵定价计划,该计划收取司机进入曼哈顿中央商业区的费用。 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has written to President Trump, asking for a federal review of New York City's congestion pricing plan, which charges drivers to enter Manhattan's Central Business District. Murphy对新泽西州通勤者所受的影响表示关切,并计划修正对批准程序提出质疑的诉讼。 Murphy expresses concern about the impact on New Jersey commuters and plans to amend a lawsuit challenging the approval process. Trump先前曾表示支持结束该方案。 Trump has previously indicated support for ending the program.