纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔因可能引发选民强烈反对而推迟推行拥堵收费政策。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul postpones congestion pricing rollout due to potential voter backlash.
由于担心可能引起选民的强烈反对,纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔无限期推迟了原定于 6 月 30 日推出的城市拥堵收费计划。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has indefinitely postponed the planned June 30 rollout of the city's congestion pricing program due to concerns about potential voter backlash. 拥堵收费计划是一项环境政策,旨在改善空气质量、减少城市交通。 The congestion pricing plan aimed to improve air quality and reduce traffic in the city as an environmental policy. 然而,由于担心这可能会对激烈竞争中的民主党候选人产生影响,因此决定暂时中止该计划。 However, concerns about its potential impact on Democratic candidates in tight races have led to the decision to suspend the initiative for now.