Trump 行政部门考虑停止纽约市的拥堵定价, Trump administration considers halting NYC's congestion pricing, citing impact on commuters.
据报道,特朗普政府正在考虑 停止纽约市的拥堵定价计划, 这个计划收取9美元的司机 进入曼哈顿60街以南。 The Trump administration is reportedly considering halting New York City's congestion pricing program, which charges drivers $9 to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street. 交通部正在研究撤销拜登行政当局给予的联邦授权,这可能导致法律质疑。 The Department of Transportation is looking into revoking the federal authorization granted by the Biden administration, which could lead to legal challenges. 尽管有人批评该计划不公平地影响通勤者,但早期数据显示,该计划使交通量减少了7.5%,改善了旅行时间。 Despite criticism that it unfairly impacts commuters, early data shows the plan has reduced traffic by 7.5% and improved travel times. 特朗普总统已经与霍胡尔总督讨论了这个问题,他承诺下周将再次与她交谈。 President Trump has discussed the issue with Governor Hochul, promising to speak with her again next week.