俄罗斯的DDoS攻击破坏了Telegram,WhatsApp,维基百科,Skype和Discord. DDoS attack disrupts Telegram, WhatsApp, Wikipedia, Skype, and Discord in Russia.
俄罗斯国家通信监控服务称, 一次分布式拒绝服务 (DDoS) 攻击导致俄罗斯的Telegram和WhatsApp消息应用中断. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack caused disruptions to Telegram and WhatsApp messaging apps in Russia, according to the state communications monitoring service. 该机构证实,对俄罗斯电信运营商的袭击被击退,服务恢复正常。 The agency confirmed the attack on Russian telecom operators was repelled, and services returned to normal. 其他受影响的网站包括维基百科、Skype和Discoord。 Other sites affected included Wikipedia, Skype, and Discord. 2022年2月乌克兰入侵后,克里姆林宫针对西方的制裁,加强了对数字部门的控制。 The Kremlin has been increasing control over the digital sector in response to Western sanctions following the Ukraine invasion in February 2022.