俄罗斯的 Telegram 和其他一些平台遭遇了无法解释的中断。 Russia's Telegram and some other platforms experienced unexplained disruptions.
由于该国最受欢迎的消息应用程序 Telegram 宕机,俄罗斯的互联网面临无法解释的中断,而 YouTube 和社交媒体网站 Vkontakte 等其他平台也遇到了问题。 Russia's internet faced unexplained disruptions as Telegram, the country's most popular messaging app, went down, while other platforms like YouTube and social media site Vkontakte also experienced issues. 与此同时,俄罗斯的 Instagram 和 Facebook 用户两年来首次能够访问这些网站。 Simultaneously, Instagram and Facebook users in Russia were able to access these sites for the first time in two years. 俄罗斯公共通信网络监控中心报告称 Telegram 出现“大规模故障”,但原因尚不清楚。 The monitoring centre for Russia's public communications network reported a "massive failure" of Telegram, though the cause remains unclear. 数字部证实 Telegram 和其他受影响的服务正在恢复,并表示他们正在努力查明事件原因。 The digital ministry confirmed that Telegram and other affected services were being restored and stated they were working to identify the cause of the incident.