亲俄黑客在临时网络攻击中袭击意大利政府和机场网站。 Pro-Russian hackers hit Italian government and airport websites in a temporary cyberattack.
包括米兰机场和外交部在内的十家意大利网站以网络攻击为目标, 使用“分布式拒绝服务”(DDoS)方法进行网络攻击。 Pro-Russian hackers, identified as NoName057(16), targeted around ten Italian websites, including Milan's airports and the Foreign Ministry, in a cyberattack using a "Distributed Denial of Service" (DDoS) method. 黑客们把数据充斥在网站里 暂时把它们从网上调离 The hackers flooded the sites with data, temporarily taking them offline. 意大利的网络安全机构在不到两个小时的时间里减缓了这次袭击,机场航班没有受到影响。 Italy's cybersecurity agency mitigated the attack in less than two hours, and airport flights were unaffected. 这一群体往往以北约国家为攻击目标,支持乌克兰。 This group often targets NATO countries supporting Ukraine.