由于国家安全风险,乌克兰限制官员使用电报。 Ukraine restricts Telegram use among officials due to national security risks.
乌克兰因国家安全风险而限制政府,军方和安全官员使用Telegram消息应用程序,理由是担心俄罗斯可能访问个人数据. Ukraine has restricted the use of the Telegram messaging app among government, military, and security officials due to national security risks, citing concerns that Russia could access personal data. 国家安全和国防理事会强调应用软件的脆弱性,特别是俄罗斯部队利用它进行网络攻击。 The National Security and Defence Council emphasized the app's vulnerabilities, particularly its use by Russian forces for cyberattacks. 虽然禁令影响到国家发行的装置,但对于需要电报来履行职责的官员,也有例外。 While the ban affects state-issued devices, exceptions exist for officials who need Telegram for their duties. 平民仍然可以在个人设备上使用该应用程序。 Civilians can still use the app on personal devices.