第九巡回法院推翻了法官的撤职 重开雷诺航空交通控制官的诉讼 9th Circuit Court overturns judge's dismissal, reopening Reno air traffic controller lawsuit.
法官重新提起诉讼,指控Reno航空交通控制员造成2016年飞机失事,导致对联邦航空局提出65万美元损害赔偿要求。 Judge reopens lawsuit accusing Reno air traffic controllers of causing 2016 plane crash, leading to $6.5M damages claim against FAA. 美国第九巡回上诉法院推翻了Miranda Du地区法官先前的解职,该法官指出,唯一原因是飞行员疏忽。 The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a previous dismissal by District Judge Miranda Du, who stated pilot negligence was the sole cause. 上诉法院命令重新评价空中交通管制员是否违反了坠机案中的谨慎义务。 The appellate court orders re-evaluation of whether the air traffic controller breached duty of care in the crash case.