边境航空乘客因在刹车失火后被困在装满烟雾的飞机上而提出诉讼。 Frontier Airlines passengers sue over being trapped on a smoke-filled plane after a brake fire.
一群 19 名 Frontier Airlines 乘客正在起诉该航空公司,此前他们的航班在刹车起火迫使他们降落在拉斯维加斯的哈里里德国际机场后,被困在一架“充满烟雾”的飞机上近一个小时。 A group of 19 Frontier Airlines passengers is suing the airline after being kept on a "smoke-filled" plane for nearly an hour following a brake fire that forced their flight to land at Las Vegas' Harry Reid International Airport. 原告指控航空公司玩忽职守,并要求至少赔偿15,000美元的损失,包括损失的工资和法律费用。 The plaintiffs accuse the airline of negligence and seek at least $15,000 in damages, including lost wages and legal fees. 国家运输安全委员会和联邦航空管理局正在调查该事件。 The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating the incident.