NTSB关于亚利桑那飞机坠毁的报告 没有发现机械故障 重点是坠机前的减速 原因不明 NTSB report on Arizona plane crash finds no mechanical failure, focuses on unexplained deceleration before crash.
国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)发表了关于选举日亚利桑那州梅萨Falcon Field机场附近发生致命飞机坠毁的初步报告,造成五人死亡。 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released a preliminary report on the deadly plane crash near Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, Arizona, on Election Day, which killed five people. 报告没有发现机械故障的迹象。 The report found no signs of mechanical failure. 飞机在跑道上加速了,但令人费解地开始减速,未能起飞。 The plane accelerated on the runway but inexplicably began to decelerate, failing to take off. 它撞上了绿地路的围栏和一辆车。 It hit a fence and a car on Greenfield Road. 正在进行的调查旨在确定减速原因。 The ongoing investigation aims to determine the cause of the deceleration.