英国加强了电子烟的限制,许多国家也实施了严格的规则,处罚和禁令. UK tightens vaping restrictions, and many countries impose strict rules, penalties, and bans.
随着英国加强对电子烟的限制, 许多国家也在实施严格的规则和处罚, As the UK tightens restrictions on vaping, many countries are imposing strict rules and penalties, with some banning its usage and imposing hefty fines or even jail time for violations. 西班牙、法国和葡萄牙等民众度假地点限制公共空间的排便。 Popular vacation spots such as Spain, France, and Portugal have restricted vaping in public spaces. 旅行者在开始休假之前必须熟悉当地的规定,以避免法律后果。 Travellers must familiarize themselves with local regulations before embarking on their holidays to avoid legal consequences.