昆士兰州计划增加非法烟草销售的罚款, Queensland plans to hike fines for illegal vape sales to combat underground market.
昆士兰州计划增加对销售非法电子烟的零售商的罚款, Queensland is planning to increase fines for retailers selling illegal vapes to disrupt the underground market. 卫生部长Tim Nicholls认为,目前对个人3 200美元和公司10 000美元罚款是不够的。 Health Minister Tim Nicholls argues that current fines of $3,200 for individuals and $10,000 for corporations are insufficient. 联邦政府于2024年10月禁止在药房以外的vape销售,但尼科尔斯认为需要采取更严格的措施来阻止非法销售. In October 2024, the federal government banned vape sales outside pharmacies, but Nicholls believes more stringent measures are needed to deter illegal sales.