欧盟各国推动将抽取产品纳入烟草税法,使法规标准化。 EU nations push to include vaping products in tobacco tax law to standardize regulations.
以荷兰为首的16个欧盟国家正在推动将抽取的产品纳入集团目前正在修订的烟草税法。 Sixteen EU countries, led by the Netherlands, are pushing for vaping products to be included in the bloc's tobacco tax law, currently under revision. 此举旨在使各成员国的条例标准化,因为现行法律不包括电子计算机,导致市场扭曲。 This move aims to standardize regulations across member states, as current laws do not cover e-cigarettes, leading to market distortions. 法国已经禁止一次性蒸汽, 德国也在考虑采取类似的行动. France has already banned disposable vapes, with Germany considering similar action. 原应于2022年更新的《烟草税法》已推迟。 The tobacco taxation law update, originally due in 2022, has been delayed.