研究将降低老年人的心理健康与增加痴呆风险联系起来。 Study links reduced psychological well-being in older ages to increased risk of dementia.
由中国农业大学、瑞典Karolinska研究所和芝加哥拉什大学医疗中心的研究人员牵头进行的一项研究表明,老年缺乏目的和个人成长可能表明晚年患痴呆症的风险增加。 A study led by researchers from China Agricultural University, Sweden's Karolinska Institutet, and Chicago's Rush University Medical Center suggests that a lack of purpose and personal growth in older ages may indicate an increased risk of developing dementia later in life. 该研究涉及910名认知完好的老年人,发现即使没有明显的认知缺陷,心理健康的降低也可能成为未来脑功能损伤的预警信号。 The study, involving 910 cognitively intact older adults, found that reduced psychological well-being, even in the absence of evident cognitive impairment, may serve as an early-warning sign of future impairment in brain function. 研究结果增加了越来越多的证据,将心理健康和记忆衰减联系起来,研究人员发现,心理健康状况不佳与痴呆风险较高有关。 The findings add to the growing body of evidence linking psychological well-being and memory decline, with researchers discovering that poor psychological well-being has been associated with a higher risk of dementia.