新的研究表明,60岁的健康因素可以预测未来20年的痴呆症。 New study shows health factors at age 60 can predict dementia up to 20 years ahead.
一份新的RAND报告指出,认知、身体和功能健康可在发病前20年预测痴呆风险。 A new RAND report indicates that cognitive, physical, and functional health can predict dementia risk up to 20 years before onset. 缺乏锻炼、肥胖症和60岁时不参加业余爱好等因素增加了风险,而诸如出生在南方等区域因素也发挥了作用。 Factors such as lack of exercise, obesity, and not engaging in hobbies at age 60 increase the risk, while regional factors like being born in the South also play a role. 早期发现有助于个人为潜在的认知下降做好准备,但因成本而导致的认知测试接受率低是一个重大障碍。 Early detection helps individuals prepare for potential cognitive decline, but low uptake of cognitive tests due to cost is a significant barrier. 如果检测是免费的,80%的受访者将接受评估,这凸显了增加预防措施的潜力。 If testing were free, 80% of respondents would undergo assessment, highlighting the potential for increased preventive measures.