35岁的Trail妇女袭击邻居,造成重伤,在现场被捕。 35-year-old Trail woman assaults neighbor, causing serious injuries, arrest at scene.
8月10日,35岁的Trail妇女袭击了25岁的邻居,导致严重受伤,包括鼻子骨折和脑震荡。 35-year-old Trail woman assaulted 25-year-old neighbour on August 10, leading to serious injuries, including a broken nose and concussion. 嫌疑人在现场被捕,有条件获释,报告将提交给检察官。 The suspect was arrested at the scene, released with conditions, and a report will be submitted to Crown Counsel. 这一事件与最近关于一只熊企图闯入住所和闯入的报告是分开的。 This incident is separate from recent reports of a bear attempting to break into residences and a break-in.