不列颠哥伦比亚省斯阔米什,一名女子在遛狗时遭到熊的袭击,导致小道关闭。 A woman was attacked by a bear while walking her dog in Squamish, BC, leading to trail closures.
一名女子在不列颠哥伦比亚省斯阔米什的一处自然河口遛狗时遭到熊的袭击,导致小道被迫关闭。 A woman was attacked by a bear while walking her dog at a nature estuary in Squamish, B.C., leading trails to be closed. 该女子注意到两只熊崽,突然被一只随行的母熊袭击,所受伤害但没有生命危险。 The woman noticed two bear cubs, and was suddenly charged by an accompanying female bear, suffering non-life-threatening injuries. 保护官员仍留在现场,河口的小路已用警戒线封闭,并设置了路障,以阻止人们进入该地区。 Conservation officers remain at the scene, and the trails at the estuary have been closed with caution tape and barricades set up to keep people out of the area.