菲律宾参议院一致通过群岛海道法案,以加强领土完整和国家安全。 Philippines Senate unanimously approves Archipelagic Sea Lanes bill to strengthen territorial integrity and national security.
菲律宾参议院一致批准了群岛海道法案(第2665号参议院法案),旨在通过在特定领土区监测外国船只和飞机来加强该国的领土完整和国家安全。 The Philippines Senate has unanimously approved the Archipelagic Sea Lanes bill (Senate Bill 2665) aiming to strengthen the country's territorial integrity and national security by monitoring foreign vessels and aircraft in specific territorial areas. 如果马科斯总统签署并经国际海事组织批准,海道将确保获得其他海洋国家的承认,给予军舰通过和飞越权。 If signed by President Marcos and approved by the International Maritime Organization, the sea lanes would ensure recognition from other maritime nations, granting military vessels passage and over-flight rights. 该法案还定义了“无辜通行权”,并解决了管理该国ASL的经济利益。 The bill also defines the "right of innocent passage" and addresses economic benefits from managing the country's ASLs.