菲律宾参议院批准对采矿利润征收更多税的法案,但禁止原矿石出口、分割工业支持。 Philippine Senate approves bill to tax mining profits more, but bans raw ore exports, splitting industry support.
菲律宾参议院已经批准了第15/2002号议案。 The Philippine Senate has approved Bill No. 2826年为采矿业实行分层特许权使用费和意外利润制度,以增加政府从采矿利润中获得的收入。 2826, which introduces a tiered royalty and windfall profit system for the mining industry, to increase government revenue from mining profits. 虽然矿业厅支持财政措施,但反对该法案禁止原矿石出口的规定,认为由于基础设施不足和监管不稳定,这可能导致关闭矿山和造成失业。 While the Chamber of Mines supports the fiscal measures, they oppose the bill's provision to ban raw ore exports, arguing it could lead to mine closures and job losses, due to insufficient infrastructure and regulatory instability.