英格兰教会为与儿童风险牧师和解道歉,促使对保障结构进行审查。 Church of England apologizes for settling with child risk priest, prompting a review of safeguarding structures.
英格兰教会道歉地向Canon Andrew Hindley支付了六位数的和解费。 Canon Andrew Hindley是一名牧师,他被评估为由于警方多次调查,包括性攻击指控,对儿童构成潜在风险。 The Church of England apologized for paying a six-figure sum settlement to Canon Andrew Hindley, a priest assessed as a potential risk to children due to multiple police investigations, including sexual assault allegations. 坎特伯雷大主教和约克大主教承认,必须改进教会进程,从过去的错误中吸取教训。 The Archbishops of Canterbury and York acknowledged the need for improved Church processes and learning from past mistakes. 此案促使教会征求儿童性虐待问题独立调查前主席Alexis Jay教授关于加强保障结构和程序的咨询意见。 This case has prompted the church to seek advice on strengthening safeguarding structures and procedures from Professor Alexis Jay, former chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.