手、脚和口腔疾病迅速蔓延,影响幼儿,扰乱联合王国托儿所。 Hand, foot, and mouth disease rapidly spreading, affecting young children and disrupting UK nurseries.
手、脚和口腔疾病(HFMD)正在联合王国各地迅速蔓延,主要影响幼儿,并造成托儿所的中断。 Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is rapidly spreading across the UK, impacting mainly young children and causing disruption in nurseries. 建议父母将受影响的儿童从学校或托儿所留在家中,同时有防止传染的症状。 Parents are advised to keep affected children home from school or nursery while symptomatic to prevent transmission. 高传染性疾病通常在7-10天内得到解决。 The highly contagious illness typically resolves within 7-10 days. 国民保健制度建议采取严格的卫生做法,防止进一步蔓延。 The NHS recommends strict hygiene practices to prevent further spread.