爱尔兰密切注视着德国爆发的口蹄疫对牲畜的威胁。 Ireland watches closely as a foot and mouth disease outbreak in Germany threatens livestock.
爱尔兰在德国爆发口蹄疫(FMD)之后处于戒备状态。 Ireland is on alert after a foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Germany. 爱尔兰最后一次疫情爆发是在2001年。 The last outbreak in Ireland was in 2001. 如果FMD出现,将实施诸如限制区、动物监测和捕捉等严厉措施。 If FMD emerges, severe measures like restriction zones, animal monitoring, and culling will be implemented. 病可以通过受污染的食物或陆路传播,爱尔兰有严格的规定,包括对来自国外的动物产品的进口管制,以防止其进入. FMD can spread through contaminated food or overland, and Ireland has strict rules, including import controls on animal products from abroad, to prevent its entry. 农业部长和农民呼吁保持警惕,以保护牲畜和经济。 The Agriculture Minister and farmers urge vigilance to protect livestock and the economy.