健康树上的大枝落在胡志明市公园,造成两人死亡,三人受伤。 Large branch from healthy tree falls in Ho Chi Minh City park, killing two and injuring three.
在胡志明市道丹公园,一棵健康树上的一棵大枝子落在老锻炼工身上,造成两人死亡,三人受伤。 A large branch from a healthy tree fell on elderly exercisers in Ho Chi Minh City's Tao Dan Park, killing two and injuring three. 事件发生时没有下雨或风。 The incident occurred in the absence of rain or wind. 当局正在调查此事,并指示市政建筑部检查公共场所所有树木的安全情况。 Authorities are investigating the cause and have directed the municipal Department of Construction to check the safety of all trees in public spaces.