在孟买,一棵倒塌的树枝造成一人死亡、一棵树受伤,而倒挂的火则造成四人受伤。 In Mumbai, a fallen tree branch killed one and injured another, while a fire at a godown injured four.
在孟买的Ghatkopar地区,一名60岁的妇女死于私人花园一棵枯树上的树枝,另一名妇女受伤。 In Mumbai's Ghatkopar area, a 60-year-old woman was killed and another injured when a branch from a dead tree in a private garden fell on them. 事件发生于1月9日下午6点40分左右。 The incident occurred on January 9 around 6:40 pm. Brihanmumbai市政公司以前曾要求砍伐这棵树的树枝。 The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation had previously requested the pruning of the tree's branches. 在另一起事件中,孟买南部 Darukhana 地区的一个仓库发生火灾,造成四人受伤,被送往 J.J. 医院。 In a separate incident, a fire broke out at a godown in south Mumbai's Darukhana area, injuring four people who were taken to J.J. Hospital.