60岁的妇女在雪梨利物浦死亡,因为树枝在强风中落在她身上。 60-year-old woman dies in Liverpool, Sydney after tree branch falls on her during severe winds.
一名60多岁的妇女在星期天的强风中,在悉尼利物浦(利物浦)树枝落下后死亡。 A woman in her 60s died after a tree branch fell on her in Liverpool, Sydney, during severe winds on Sunday. 事件发生在Castlereagh街,当时风速达到89公里/小时。 The incident occurred on Castlereagh Street as wind gusts reached up to 89 km/h. 应急服务机构作出了反应,但无法恢复她的活力。 Emergency services responded but were unable to revive her. 警察正在调查这一事件,并将向验尸官提交一份报告。 The police are investigating the incident, and a report will be submitted to the coroner. 该地区有大片原生树木,可能是造成悲剧的原因。 The area features large native trees, which may have contributed to the tragedy.