7月,尼泊尔抵抗阵线RPF缴获了价值1.63卢比的违禁品,逮捕了24名走私者。 In July, NFR RPF seized contraband goods worth Rs 1.63 crore, apprehending 24 individuals for smuggling.
7月,NFR的爱国阵线查获了价值超过16.3亿卢比的违禁品,逮捕了24名涉嫌参与走私的人。 In July, RPF of NFR seized contraband goods worth over Rs 1.63 crore, apprehending 24 individuals for alleged involvement in smuggling. 自1月以来,尼泊尔联邦共和国部队收缴了价值超过19.7卢比的违禁品,逮捕了261人。 Since January, the RPF of NFR has recovered contraband goods worth over Rs 19.7 crore, apprehending 261 individuals. N.F.铁路公司的RPF定期在火车和客运地区开展防止毒品贩运的驱动活动。 The RPF of N. F. Railway regularly conducts drives to prevent drug trafficking on trains and passenger areas.